Подскажите, как сделать, чтобы мини изображения были снизу. Заранее спасибо Код (PHP): <?php /** * @Enterprise: S&S Media Solutions * @author: Yannick Spang * @creation date: April 2009 * @url: http://www.joomla-virtuemart-designs.com * @copyright: Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009 S&S Media Solutions * @license: Commercial, see LICENSE.php * @product: Flypage Admirable - Virtuemart Theme * @version: 1.0 */ if( !defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) && !defined( '_JEXEC' ) ) die( 'Direct Access to '.basename(__FILE__).' is not allowed.' ); mm_showMyFileName(__FILE__); global $db; $image_id = intval(vmGet($_REQUEST, "image_id", "product")); if( !empty($product_id) ) { require_once( CLASSPATH . "ps_product.php" ); $ps_product =& new ps_product(); // Get the default full and thumb image $db->query( "SELECT product_name,product_full_image,product_thumb_image FROM #__{vm}_product WHERE product_id='$product_id'"); $db->next_record(); $alt = $db->f("product_name"); $height = PSHOP_IMG_HEIGHT; $width = PSHOP_IMG_WIDTH; $href = 'index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage='.$flypage.'&product_id='.$product_id.'&category_id='.$category_id.'&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid='.$Itemid; $title = $db->f("product_name"); echo "<a href=\"$href\" target=\"_self\" title=\"$title\">\n"; $ps_product->show_image( $db->f("product_thumb_image"), "alt=\"$alt\""); echo "</a>\n"; $dbi = new ps_DB(); // Let's have a look wether the product has more images. $dbi->query( "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_product_files WHERE file_product_id='$product_id' AND file_is_image='1'" ); $images = $dbi->record; $i = 0; foreach( $images as $image ) { $info = pathinfo( $image->file_name ); $base_filename = basename($image->file_name, ".".$info["extension"])."_".$image->file_image_thumb_height."x".$image->file_image_thumb_width.".".$info["extension"]; $thumb = $mosConfig_absolute_path.'/'.$info["dirname"] ."/resized/". $base_filename; $thumburl = str_replace( $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_live_site, $thumb ); $alt = $image->file_title; $height = empty($image->file_image_thumb_height) ? PSHOP_IMG_HEIGHT : $image->file_image_thumb_height; $width = empty($image->file_image_thumb_width) ? PSHOP_IMG_WIDTH : $image->file_image_thumb_width; $href = 'index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage='.$flypage.'&product_id='.$product_id.'&category_id='.$category_id.'&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid='.$Itemid.'&image_id='.$image->file_id; $title = $image->file_title; echo "<a href=\"$href\" target=\"_self\" title=\"$title\"><img src=\"$thumburl\" alt=\"$alt\" width=\"$width\" /></a>\n"; // Break Row when needed //if( $i++ >= 4 ) { $i=0; echo "<br/><br/>"; } } echo "<br/>\n"; if( $image_id == "product" ) { echo "<div id=\"ssmed_zoom_image\">"; $ps_product->show_image($db->f("product_full_image"), "alt=\"$alt\" ", 0); echo "</div>"; } else { if( !empty($image_id) ) { // Get that image! $dbi->query( "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_product_files WHERE file_product_id='$product_id' AND file_is_image='1' AND file_id='$image_id'" ); } else { // Get the first image $dbi->query( "SELECT * FROM #__{vm}_product_files WHERE file_product_id='$product_id' AND file_is_image='1'" ); } $show_img = $dbi->record[0]; if( $show_img ) { $filename = $mosConfig_absolute_path.str_replace( $mosConfig_absolute_path, '', $show_img->file_name ); $src = str_replace( $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_live_site, $filename ); if( strstr( $src, $mosConfig_live_site.$show_img->file_name)) { $src = str_replace( $mosConfig_live_site.$show_img->file_name, $mosConfig_live_site."/".$show_img->file_name, $src ); } $alt = $show_img->file_title; $height = $show_img->file_image_height; $width = $show_img->file_image_width; echo "<div id=\"ssmed_zoom_image\"><img class=\"zoomed_image\"src=\"$src\" alt=\"$alt\" /></div>"; } else { echo $VM_LANG->_('PHPSHOP_IMAGE_NOT_FOUND'); } } } ?>