Всем привет Я установил на денвере шаблон JV Asent И у меня на сайте вылезла строчка Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in Zhome\localhost\www\v.ru\templates\jv_asent\jv_menus\jv.common.php on line 59 Как исправить эту ошибку?
содержимое файла jv.common.php Код (PHP): <?php /** * @version 1.5.x * @package JoomVision Project * @email webmaster@joomvision.com * @copyright (C) 2008 http://www.JoomVision.com. All rights reserved. */ // No direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die(); /** * Class Menu Common * */ class MenuSystem{ var $_name = null; var $_template = null; var $_start = null; var $_end = null; var $_suffix = null; var $_active = null; var $_type = null; var $_cache = null; var $_nav = null; var $Itemid = null; /** * Enter description here... * * @param string $name * @param string $menutype * @param string $template_name * @param string $suffix * @return MenuSystem */ function MenuSystem( $name,$menutype,$template_name, $rtl, $suffix="" ){ global $Itemid; $this->_name = $name; $this->_template = $template_name; $this->_suffix = $suffix; $this->_type = $menutype; $this->Itemid = $Itemid; $document =& JFactory::getDocument(); $document->addStyleSheet(JURI::base().'templates/'.$this->_template.'/jv_menus/'.'jv_'.$this->_name.'menu/'.'jv.'.$this->_name.'menu.css'); if($rtl == 'rtl') $document->addCustomTag('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.JURI::base().'templates/'.$this->_template.'/jv_menus/'.'jv_'.$this->_name.'menu/'.'jv.'.$this->_name.'menu.rtl.js"></script>'); else $document->addCustomTag('<script type="text/javascript" src="'.JURI::base().'templates/'.$this->_template.'/jv_menus/'.'jv_'.$this->_name.'menu/'.'jv.'.$this->_name.'menu.js"></script>'); $this->genmenu(); } function hasChild($lvl) { $pid = $this->fatherId ($lvl); if (!$pid) return false; if (@$this->_nav[$pid]) return true; else return false; } function _showMenuDetail($row, $level = 0) { $_temp = null; $title = "title=\"$row->name\""; $menu_params = & new JParameter ($row->params); if ($menu_params->get('menu_image') && $menu_params->get('menu_image') != -1) { $str = '<img src="images/stories/'.$menu_params->get('menu_image').'" alt="'.$row->name.'" /><span class="menusys_name">'.$row->name.'</span>'; } else { $str = '<span class="menusys_name">'.$row->name.'</span>'; } $Class = $this->activeClass ($row, $level); $id='id="menusys'.$row->id.'"'; if ($row->url != null) { if ($row->browserNav == 0) { $menuItem = '<a href="'.$row->url.'" '.$Class.' '.$id.' '.$title.'>'.$str.'</a>'; } elseif ($row->browserNav == 1) { $menuItem = '<a target="_blank" href="'.$row->url.'" '.$Class.' '.$id.' '.$title.'>'.$str.'</a>'; } elseif ($row->browserNav == 2) { $url = str_replace('index.php', 'index2.php', $tmp->url); $atts = 'toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=500,height=350'; $menuItem = '<a href="'.$url.'" onclick="window.open("'.$url.'",\'targetWindow\',\''.$atts.'\'); return false;" '.$Class.' '.$id.' '.$title.'>'.$str.'</a>'; } } else { $menuItem = '<a '.$active.' '.$id.' '.$title.'>'.$str.'</a>'; } echo $menuItem; } function show($start=0, $end = 14) { $this->_start = $start; $this->_end = $end; echo "<div class=\"menusys_".$this->_name.$this->_suffix."\">"; if ($this->_start == 0) { //~~ Only first level will be shown ~~ $this->showMenu (0, 0); }else{ $parID = $this->fatherId($this->_start); if ($parID) $this->showMenu ($parID, $this->_start); } echo "</div>"; } function showMenu($pid, $level) { if (@$this->_nav[$pid]) { if ($level == 0) { echo "<ul id=\"menusys_".$this->_name."\">"; } elseif($level == 1 && ($this->_name == 'submoo' || $this->_name == 'split')) { echo "<ul id=\"menusub_".$this->_name."\">"; } else { echo "<ul>"; } $i = 0; foreach ($this->_nav[$pid] as $menu) { if(@$this->_nav[$menu->id]) $abc = " hasChild"; else $abc = ""; if ($i == 0) echo '<li class="first-item'.$abc.'">'; elseif ($i == count($this->_nav[$pid]) - 1) echo '<li class="last-item'.$abc.'">'; else echo '<li class="'.$abc.'">'; $this->_showMenuDetail( $menu, $level); if ($level < $this->_end) $this->showMenu( $menu->id, $level+1 ); $i++; echo "</li>"; } echo "</ul>"; } } function activeClass ($menu_item, $level) { return (in_array($menu_item->id, $this->_active)) ? " class=' active'" : " class=' item'"; } //~~ This function will found the father ID of and item marked by level in array of active items ~~~~~~~ function fatherId ($lvl) { if (!$lvl) return 0; //echo "<pre>";print_r($this->_active);exit; if (count($this->_active) < $lvl) return 0; $parID = count($this->_active) - $lvl; return $this->_active[$parID]; } /** * Generate the menu * * @return mixed */ function genmenu(){ $nav = @JMenu :: getInstance(); $my = &JFactory::getUser(); $nav = array(); $this->_cache = array(); if(@strtolower(get_class($menu)) == 'jexception') { $nav = @JMenu :: getInstance('site'); } $menus = &JSite::getMenu(); $rows = $menus->getItems('menutype', $this->_type); $_tmp = array(); if (count($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $key => $value) { if ($value->access <= $my->get('gid')) { $par = $value->parent; $list_menu = @ ($nav[$par]) ? $nav[$par] : array (); if ($value->type == 'separator') { $value->_index = count($list_menu); $list_menu[] = $value; $nav[$par] = $list_menu; $this->_cache[$value->id] = $value; $_tmp[$value->id] = $key; continue; } elseif ($value->type == 'url') { if ((strpos($value->link, 'index.php?') !== false) && (strpos($value->link, 'Itemid=') === false)) { $value->url = $value->link.'&Itemid='.$value->id; } else { $value->url = $value->link; } } else { $router = JSite::getRouter(); if ($router->getMode() == JROUTER_MODE_SEF) { //~~ No JRoute now ~~~ $value->url = 'index.php?Itemid='.$value->id; } else { //~~ No JRoute now ~~~ $value->url = $value->link.'&Itemid='.$value->id; } } $value->_index = count($list_menu); $list_menu[] = $value; $nav[$par] = $list_menu; } $this->_cache[$value->id] = $value; $_tmp[$value->id] = $key; } } $this->_nav = $nav; //~~ Find out what submenus this item has ~~~~~~~~~~~ $active = array ($this->Itemid); $max = 14; //~~ We dont need more than 14 levels of menu, do we? ~~~ $id = $this->Itemid; while ($max) { if (isset($_tmp[$id])) { $tmp = $_tmp[$id]; if (isset ($rows[$tmp]) && $rows[$tmp]->parent > 0) { $id = $rows[$tmp]->parent; $active[] = $id; } else { break; } } $max--; } $this->_active = $active; } } ?> И как это (Copyright © 2008 - 2010 Joomla Templates by JoomlaVision.Com. All rights reserved. ) можно удалить на всех страничках??