Здравствуйте! Как завернуть в noindex и nofollow плагин JoomLine VK Like В папке плагина только один файл: multicatlist.php следующего вида: <?php /** * */ defined('JPATH_BASE') or die(); /** * Renders a multiple item select element * using SQL result and explicitly specified params * */ class JElementMulticatlist extends JElement { /** * Element name * * @access protected * @var string */ var $_name = 'multicatlist'; function fetchElement($name, $value, &$node, $control_name) { // Base name of the HTML control. $ctrl = $control_name .'['. $name .']'; // Construct the various argument calls that are supported. $attribs = ' '; if ($v = $node->attributes( 'size' )) { $attribs .= 'size="'.$v.'"'; } if ($v = $node->attributes( 'class' )) { $attribs .= 'class="'.$v.'"'; } else { $attribs .= 'class="inputbox"'; } if ($m = $node->attributes( 'multiple' )) { $attribs .= ' multiple="multiple"'; $ctrl .= '[]'; } // Query items for list. $db = & JFactory::getDBO(); $key = 'id'; $val = 'catname'; $db->setQuery(" SELECT c.id, c.title as catname, s.title as section FROM #__categories c LEFT JOIN #__sections s ON c.section = s.id WHERE c.published = 1 AND s.published=1 ORDER BY section, catname"); $rows = $db->loadAssocList(); if (count($node->children())>0) foreach ($node->children() as $option) { $options[]= array($key=> $option->attributes('value'),$val => $option->data()); } $lastgrp = ''; if (count($rows)>0) foreach ($rows as $row){ if ($row['section'] != $lastgrp) { $options[] = array($key=>"<OPTGROUP>",$val=>$row['section']); $lastgrp = $row['section']; } $options[]=array($key=>$row[$key],$val=>$row[$val]); } if($options){ return JHTML::_('select.genericlist',$options, $ctrl, $attribs, $key, $val, $value, $control_name.$name); } } }