В принципе эта ошибка была ещё в PhocaGallery v2.7.х 1 Error, 1 warning(s) Line 127, Column 14: character "<" is the first character of a delimiter but occurred as data Код (CODE): if (charLeft < 0) { А причина в том, что надо просто обернуть скрипты в CDATA))) Код (CODE): <script type="text/javascript"> здесь скрипт </script> вот так: Код (CODE): <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ здесь скрипт //]]> </script> Теперь где будем править эту ошибку: /administrator/components/com_phocagallery/libraries/phocagallery/render/renderfront.php стр. 52-81 Находим: Код (CODE): function renderCommentJS($chars) { $tag = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">" ."function countChars() {" . "\n" ."var maxCount = ".$chars.";" . "\n" ."var pfc = document.getElementById('phocagallery-comments-form');" . "\n" ."var charIn = pfc.phocagallerycommentseditor.value.length;" . "\n" ."var charLeft = maxCount - charIn;" . "\n" ."" . "\n" ."if (charLeft < 0) {" . "\n" ." alert('".JText::_('You have reached maximum limit of characters allowed')."');" . "\n" ." pfc.phocagallerycommentseditor.value = pfc.phocagallerycommentseditor.value.substring(0, maxCount);" . "\n" ." charIn = maxCount;" . "\n" ." charLeft = 0;" . "\n" ."}" . "\n" ."pfc.phocagallerycommentscountin.value = charIn;" . "\n" ."pfc.phocagallerycommentscountleft.value = charLeft;" . "\n" ."}" . "\n" ."function checkCommentsForm() {" . "\n" ." var pfc = document.getElementById('phocagallery-comments-form');" . "\n" ." if ( pfc.phocagallerycommentstitle.value == '' ) {". "\n" ." alert('". JText::_( 'Please enter a title' )."');". "\n" ." return false;" . "\n" ." } else if ( pfc.phocagallerycommentseditor.value == '' ) {". "\n" ." alert('". JText::_( 'Please enter a comment' )."');". "\n" ." return false;" . "\n" ." } else {". "\n" ." return true;" . "\n" ." }" . "\n" ."}". "\n" ."</script>"; return $tag; } Правим: Код (CODE): function renderCommentJS($chars) { $tag = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">//<![CDATA[" ."function countChars() {" . "\n" ."var maxCount = ".$chars.";" . "\n" ."var pfc = document.getElementById('phocagallery-comments-form');" . "\n" ."var charIn = pfc.phocagallerycommentseditor.value.length;" . "\n" ."var charLeft = maxCount - charIn;" . "\n" ."" . "\n" ."if (charLeft < 0) {" . "\n" ." alert('".JText::_('You have reached maximum limit of characters allowed')."');" . "\n" ." pfc.phocagallerycommentseditor.value = pfc.phocagallerycommentseditor.value.substring(0, maxCount);" . "\n" ." charIn = maxCount;" . "\n" ." charLeft = 0;" . "\n" ."}" . "\n" ."pfc.phocagallerycommentscountin.value = charIn;" . "\n" ."pfc.phocagallerycommentscountleft.value = charLeft;" . "\n" ."}" . "\n" ."function checkCommentsForm() {" . "\n" ." var pfc = document.getElementById('phocagallery-comments-form');" . "\n" ." if ( pfc.phocagallerycommentstitle.value == '' ) {". "\n" ." alert('". JText::_( 'Please enter a title' )."');". "\n" ." return false;" . "\n" ." } else if ( pfc.phocagallerycommentseditor.value == '' ) {". "\n" ." alert('". JText::_( 'Please enter a comment' )."');". "\n" ." return false;" . "\n" ." } else {". "\n" ." return true;" . "\n" ." }" . "\n" ."}". "\n" ."//]]></script>"; return $tag; } Всё! Можно ещё поиграться с этим: ст. 382-397 Код (CODE): switch ($slideshow) { case 1: $tag .= ' if (hs.addSlideshow) hs.addSlideshow({ '."\n" .' slideshowGroup: \''.$typeOutput.$slideShowGroup.'\','."\n" .' interval: 5000,'."\n" .' repeat: false,'."\n" .' useControls: true,'."\n" .' fixedControls: true,'."\n" .' overlayOptions: {'."\n" .' opacity: 1,'."\n" .' position: \'top center\','."\n" .' hideOnMouseOut: true'."\n" .' }'."\n" .' });'."\n"; break; И изменить его так: Код (CODE): switch ($slideshow) { case 1: $tag .= ' if (hs.addSlideshow) hs.addSlideshow({ '."\n" .' slideshowGroup: \''.$typeOutput.$slideShowGroup.'\','."\n" .' interval: 5000,'."\n" .' repeat: false,'."\n" .' useControls: true,'."\n" .' fixedControls: \'fit\','."\n" .' overlayOptions: {'."\n" .' opacity: .75,'."\n" .' position: \'bottom center\','."\n" .' hideOnMouseOut: true'."\n" .' }'."\n" .' });'."\n"; break; Ещё некоторый бег, я не совсем уверен в его правильности, но он работает: /components/com_phocagallery/views/category/tmpl/default.php ст. 274-280 Код (CODE): echo '<div><ul class="star-rating-small">' .'<li class="current-rating" style="width:'.$value->voteswidthimg.'px"></li>' .'<li><span class="star1"></span></li>'; for ($iV = 2;$iV < 6;$iV++) { echo '<li><span class="stars'.$iV.'"></span></li>'; } echo '</ul></div>'; echo '</a></div>'; Правим на: Код (CODE): echo '<object><ul class="star-rating-small">' .'<li class="current-rating" style="width:'.$value->voteswidthimg.'px"></li>' .'<li><span class="star1"></span></li>'; for ($iV = 2;$iV < 6;$iV++) { echo '<li><span class="stars'.$iV.'"></span></li>'; } echo '</ul></object>'; echo '</a></div>';